Henrique Alvim View All Faculty
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Degrees Received

  • Bachelor in Juridicial Sciences (Law School), Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba, 2002
  • M.S. Education, Counseling with an emphasis in Student Affairs Leadership & Practice, Youngstown State University, 2005
  • Post-Master's Course Work in Counseling and Education, The University of Akron, 2009
  • Ph.D. in Cultural Foundations of Education with an emphasis in Philosophy of Education, Kent State University, 2014

Teaching Experience

  • Interim Program Chair - Counseling and Human Development Program - School of Behavioral and Health Sciences, Walsh University
  • Assistant Professor of Counseling and Human Development and Lead Faculty for the Student Affairs in Higher Education Specialty, Walsh University

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant (Teaching Fellow)- School of Foundations, Leadership & Administration, Kent State University

  • Adjunct Instructor - Department of Counseling, Special Education & School Psychology, Youngstown State University

Professional Experience

  • Past experience as a student affairs educator and higher education administrator at private and public institutions of higher learning includes:
    • Working with college students in multicultural development
    • Academic Support Services (academic and peer mentoring)
    • Leadership Development
    • Residence Life
    • Judicial Affairs

Selected Publications

  • Silva, I. S., Silva, M. B., & Alvim, H. G. (Eds.) (2022). Globalization and education: A humanizing interdisciplinary outlook (Globalização e educação: Um olhar interdisciplinar humanizador). E-book funded and published by the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil). Published in both Portuguese and English. Editora UFMS. 
  • Alvim, H. G., & Katusiime, D. (2022). Global partners in dialogue: Toward a pedagogy of collaboration (Parceiros globais em diálogo: Em direção a uma pedagogia colaborativa). In Silva, I. S., Silva, M. 8., & Alvim, H. G. (Eds.), Globalization and education: A humanizing interdisciplinary outlook (Globalização e educação: Um olhar interdisciplinar humanizador) (pp. 22-44, 171-195). Editora UFMS.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2021). When the church comes to campus: Christian convictions and the challenge toward authentic membership in the secular academy. Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development, 20(20), 51-64.
  • Alvim, H. G., & Barnhart, A. (2017). Mindfulness as a pedagogy of supervision: Reclaiming learning in supervised practices in student affairs. Journal of Research, Assessment, and Practice in Higher Education, (2)1, 27-40.
  • Cain, B. A., Koskey, K. L. K., Sondergeld, T. A., Alvim, H. G., & Slager, E. (2015, February). A mixed-methods investigation of factors and scenarios influencing college students' decision to complete surveys at five mid-western universities. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, (27) I, 3-30.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2014, June). Aprendendo pela fé: Estudo e o aprendizado cristão no contexto da academia secular norte­ americana (Learning from faith: Christian scholarship in the context of the American secular academy). Revista de Educação do Cogeime (COGEIME Journal of Education), 23(44), 33-48.

Selected Presentations

  • Alvim, H.G. (2024, February 5-6). Making Room for the "inner lives" of students: Fueling our imagination on the contributions of faith to student learning. Roundtable facilitated at the 2024 OCPA (Ohio College Personnel Association) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2020, January 30-31). It's also about the journey, not just the destination: Recapturing "purpose" in student development. Concurrent session presented at the 2020 OCPA (Ohio College Personnel Association) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G., & Alexander, A. (2019, October 12). What's your "why"? Honing your purpose in student affairs. Concurrent session presented at the 2019 OCPA (Ohio College Personnel Association) Careers in Student Affairs Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G., & Shively, B. (2019, April 5). Global partners in dialogue: Toward a pedagogy of collaboration. 1-hour concurrent session presented at the NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Region VI Ohio Drive-In Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2019, January 24). Learning together in the academy: Making room for human flourishing by way of conversations. 1-hour session presented at the 2019 OCPA (Ohio College Personnel Association) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G., & Shively, B. (2018, April 20). More voices at the table: Toward enhanced human development and capabilities in cross-cultural collaboration. 1-hour concurrent session presented at the NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Region VI Ohio Drive-In Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2018, January 26). Reviving the heart of higher education: Toward wholeness in the college journey. 1-hour session presented at the 2018 OCPA (Ohio College Personnel Association) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2017, March 14). Reclaiming reflection in supervision: Human and organizational flourishing by way of "thinking." Concurrent session presented at the 2017 NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
  • Alvim, H. G., & Mazzaferri, E. (2016, March 15). Remembering the fundamentals: Expanding the conversation on supervised practice in Student Affairs. Concurrent session presented at the 2016 NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
  • Cain, B. A., & Alvim, H. G. (2015, October). Surveying advisees to improve advising services? Find out why students choose to complete and not complete surveys first! 1-hour concurrent session presented at NACADA's (The Global Community for Academic Advising) 39th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Alvim, H. G. (2013, November). "Help! There's an evangelical in my class!" Religious conviction in the university classroom. Presented at the AESA (American Educational Studies Association) 2013 Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
  • Alvim, H. G. (20 I 2, March 14-16). Strategically encouraging student success and persistence through peer mentoring. 1-hour session presented at the 2012 International Mentoring Association Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Alvim, H. G., Davis, B., & Redd, J. (2011, June 3). Peer mentoring: A relational, yet strategic approach to encourage student success. 1-hour session presented at the 24th Annual National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in American Higher Education (NCORE), San Francisco, CA.
  • Alvim, H. G., & Woods, Jr., D. B. (2009, March 4-6). Mentoring as defined by the verb "to be." 1-hour session presented at the 22nd International Mentoring Association Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

Research Interests

  • Diversity and multiculturalism with a focus on the intersection of religious convictions and higher education
  • Christian scholarship, particularly as it pertains to the integration of faith and learning
  • Moral dialogues and respectful conversations as a pedagogy for student development and formation
  • The internationalization of higher education

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Member, NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education)
  • Member, ACSD (Association for Christians in Student Development)

Why do you teach at Geneva?

  • Geneva’s commitment to not only an excellent education but to educating students to become kingdom workers through their calling and vocation inspired me to pursue this opportunity. My scholarship and my own sense of calling in the academy stems from the same Christian convictions that informs the life of the College. The integration of faith and learning has also been part of my scholarship pursuits – since my doctoral work.

Why do you teach in the MAHE program?

  • The Master of Arts in Higher Education is a respected program in the world of Christian higher education. I’m deeply grateful for the work of many colleagues who planted and nurtured this program at Geneva College for nearly 30 years. When I consider what’s at the core of this program – and the love that many had and continue to have for this larger “project” of Christian higher education – I feel immensely blessed for the opportunity to join the Geneva faculty and lead this historical graduate program. What’s more, being at Geneva, sharing in its values and worldview, provides me the opportunity to advance, collaboratively, not only the educational but the missional commitments of the College.


  • Dr. Alvim is a native of Brazil, South America, but currently lives in Northeast Ohio with his wife and son. 
  • Dr. Alvim speaks Portuguese and English.
  • His graduate work (master’s and Ph.D.) were completed in the United States, but his college experience and Law School degree were completed in Brazil. He has been to other parts of the world, too, (e.g., Uganda, Africa) which helped him to reflect more deeply about and experience even more meaningfully student/human development through diverse cultural contexts.

Academic Distinctives

In 2024, Dr. Alvim facilitated a roundtable discussion at the 2024 OCPA (Ohio College Personnel Association) Annual Conference, Columbus, OH., Making Room for the "inner lives" of students: Fueling our imagination on the contributions of faith to student learning.

In 2022, Dr. Alvim published an e-book titled, Globalization and education: A humanizing interdisciplinary outlook, through the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, in both Portuguese and English.

Dr. Alvim published an article titled, "When the church comes to campus: Christian convictions and the challenge toward authentic membership in the secular academy" for Growth: The Journal of the Association for Christians in Student Development, in 2021.